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COVID-19 Resources

NCLifeSci has collected resources that may be of use to members.  More will be added.

NCLifeSci member Sanesco Health offers a CLIA/COLA certified high-complexity clinical laboratory running COVID-19 testing for a wide array of stakeholders including schools and universities, local governments, health care providers, hospitals, urgent care centers, senior living communities, businesses and the general public.

Sanesco's laboratory division, CommunityLab, is the first lab in North Carolina authorized to run the Yale University SalivaDirect protocol, which allows them to run PCR COVID-19 testing without a nasal swab collection. The accuracy of the SalivaDirect™ testing protocol is comparable to nasopharyngeal swab, and the test provides analytical sensitivity of 99% and is accurate 94% of the time. Patients can self-collect a simple saliva sample using an at-home saliva COVID-19 collection kit and then send in samples to the lab from anywhere in the country using a Fedex prepaid return label included inside the kit. Results are available within 24 hours. There is no cost with insurance or federal insurance program.

Call CommunityLab with any questions: (833) 231-8190 or email